
Product Review

  • Best Review
    File attachmentSkin change in 3 days! Terrific!

    I didn't have any trouble on my cheeks, but I suddenly had a really bad acne, whether it was stress or hormonal changes. I've been to the dermatologist, and the Dermatra Fraxel kit saved my life. ㅠㅠ I'much. On the third day, my skin became more elastic and smooth, and my pores felt less and less. She's good at putting on makeup.I'm surprised I've had trouble in a few days since I wrote it ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm going to use it steadily now. Don't get rid of the Dermatra Fraxel Kit! Hurray~

    볼에는 트러블도 없었는데 갑자기 스트레스인지 호르몬변화인지 좁쌀여드름이 엄청 심하게 나더라구요. 이것저것 다 해보고 피부과도 가봤는데 낫지 않는거를 더마트라 프락셀키트가 살려줬어요 ㅠㅠ 정말... 3일차쯤에 점점 피부가 탄력도 생기고 매끈해지면서 모공도 점점줄어드는 느낌이 들었어요. 화장도 잘 먹고...정말 쓴지 몇일 만에 트러블이 들어가다니 놀라움 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 저는 이제 꾸준하게 쓸 에정이에요. 더마트라 프락셀키트 없애지마세요 ! 만세

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  • Best Review
    File attachmentThat's a good idea.

    These days, I'm under a lot of stress because of skin trouble.I can't go to Corona, I'm busy with work, and the rainy season is here. I've been paying attention to this product, but I bought it right away because I got a discount and a coupon discount. It's different because I don't know how to take a picture, but the narrow one on my forehead fits in perfectly and my skin looks smooth. Overdoing it? It's been about 3 days since I used it. I feel like when your skin gets worse, your skin looks completely different when you get out of the skin care. That's how it feels like that. It's really like that. Maybe it's because you roll it long on the device when you use ampoule number three. I was surprised, too. The reviews are all so I bought it and used it, but it's not as stimulating as I thought. It's so good. I've never seen a four-staff composition like this before. I'll use it all and come to buy it regularly.

    피부트러블 때문에 스트레스 많이 받는 요즘입니다.틈틈히 받아오던 관리를 코로나로 못가고, 일도 바쁘고 겸사겸사 장마까지왔네요. 눈여겨 보던 제품이였는데 할인금액에 쿠폰할인까지 생겨서 바로 질렀습니다. 사진을 찍을줄몰라 좀 다르지만, 이마에 좁쌀 올라오던게 쏙 들어가고, 진짜 전체적으로 피부 매끈해졌네요. 오바쫌? 보태서 사용한지 한 3일째쯤? 제가 느끼기에 딱 피부가 안좋아질때쯤 관리받고 나왔을때 피부가 확 달라 보이잖아요 그 느낌이랄까? 진짜 그래요. 3번 앰플쓸때 디바이스로 오래 롤링해줘서 그런가.. 저도 놀랐네요. 후기들이 다 그래서 진짜 속는셈치고 구매해서 써본건데 자극도 생각보다 없고 넘나 좋습니다. 4스탭 이런 구성은 처음보고요. 다 사용하고 주기적으로 구매하러 와야겠어요~

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  • File attachmentDermatra 28 Recommended!

    I had freckles on my skin, but I thought the skin texture was so good that I couldn't see the pores. As I didn't take care of them, the pores got loose. I was thinking of doing self-MTS. I started home care with Dermatra! I bought 3 boxes and gave it to my boyfriend as a gift, and I think it's been about a month since we started using it together, so it's really effective for reducing pores. At first, it's annoying to use it for more than 10 minutes every day, so I used it every other day, but I've been using it every day for two boxes. I don't have time to go to a dermatologist like myself, so I want to recommend it to people who want to try home care. The skin on the cheek is definitely smooth, but it's sad that it can't be expressed in the picture. I'll continue to use Dermatra for my skin!

    피부에 주근깨는 조금 있지만, 모공은 거의 안보일 정도로 피부결은 좋다고 생각했었는데, 관리 안하고 방치하다보니 모공은 늘어져있고, 피부과 다닐 시간은 없어서 셀프 MTS를 해볼까 하다가 검색하여 알게된 더마트라로 집에서 홈케어를 시작했어요!! 3박스 구매해서 남자친구도 한박스 사용해보라고 선물하고, 같이 사용하기 시작한지 벌써 한달정도 된 것 같은데, 모공축소에 정말 효과가 있네요. 처음엔 매일 10분 이상 사용하는게 귀찮아서 이틀에 한번 꼴로 사용하다가 피부결이 확실히 매끈해진것 같아서 매일매일 사용해서 두박스째 사용중이에요. 저처럼 피부과 다닐 시간은 없는데, 홈케어라도 해보고 싶으신 분들께 꼭 추천하고 싶어요. 볼쪽 피부도 확실히 매끈해졌는데 사진에는 다 표현이 안돼서 아쉬워요. 앞으로도 꾸준히 더마트라 사용해서 꿀피부 될거에요!!!

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  • Week Use

    It feels like a new and professional product! After using it for about 2 days in a row, it feels tight and elastic. I love this kind of feeling. And I bought it after reading the comments on Instagram. Like the Instagram review, after 2-3 days, my skin gets really soft like a baby's It looks like a peeled egg. I can feel it softening to the point where I wonder if it's my skin. At present, the satisfaction level is 120%. The pores definitely feel tight, so it'll be effective. I'll take a picture before and after and post it soon. This product is really hot. ^^

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  • File attachmentThis is a review of using 2 boxes.

    When I saw your mother's face, her skin was really damaged. I felt bad because I couldn't take good care of you under the pretext of being busy. I was thinking about saving some money to make an appointment with the dermatologist, and I was saving a little bit. I couldn't go anywhere with Corona. While I was looking for good cosmetics to do at home, I caught my eye and bought 3 boxes. Actually, no matter what I try to do for you, you always say it's annoying and you don't like it.Maybe it's because you're afraid you'll spend money.^^;;; So I gave him a present and he said, 'It's really good,' 'You said you're not going to the dermatologist, and it's scary, so how much does it cost to go to the dermatologist. This is the only thing I can do. I'm sure my parents all feel the same way, right?Around August 20th? You've started using it, and you've used 2 boxes until yesterday. I had a gift event, so I took a picture before using it. I'm heartbroken to see the picture. The pores around the nose are really prominent, the rash's really big, and, uh... I was so surprised when I checked it out because you said you used it all. I think it looks better because I got the fluorescent light from the front;;;; it's not a filter camera, it's just a camera; but I can see that it's really improved. Maybe it's because it's a pore care kit, but the pore sebum has decreased noticeably, and the pore size seems to be sure. This is what you call a better texture, right? Is that right? Maybe that's why your skin looks bright because it's glowing; you've improved a lot. If I had known it earlier, I would have given it to you earlier.

    문뜩 어머니 얼굴을 보니 피부가 많이 상하셨더라고요. 바쁘다는 핑계로 잘 챙겨드리지 못한 것 같아 마음이 안 좋았습니다. 돈 좀 모아서 피부과 예약해드리자 생각하고, 조금씩 모으고 있었는데.. 코로나로 어디 가지도 못해서.. 집에서 할 수 있게 좋은 화장품을 찾고 있던 와중에 눈에 띄어 한참 눈여겨보다 3박스 구매하게 되었습니다. 사실 뭘 해드리려고 해도 항상 귀찮다고 하시며 싫다 하세요ㅠ 아마 돈 쓸까 봐 그러신 거겠죠^^;;; 그래서 선물 드리면서 '진짜 좋데~' '피부과 안 간다며, 무섭다며 피부과 가면 돈 얼마잖아. 이건 이거밖에 안 해~' 하면서 이것도 환불하려고 하는 거 겨우ㅠ 부모님 마음은 다 같은 거겠죠?ㅎ; 8월 20일쯤에? 사용 시작하셨고, 어제까지 2박스 다 사용하셨습니다. 증정이벤트가 있어서 사용 전에 사진 찍어놨는데.. 사진 보니 맘이 아프네요.. 코 쪽 모공 엄청 두드러지고, 뾰루지도 엄청 큰 거 생기고, 어휴.. 다 쓰셨다고 하셔서 찾아가서 확인하니 너무 놀랐어요.. 나중에 찍은 사진 형광등을 정면으로 받아서 더 좋아 보이는 감이 있네요;; 필터 카메라 아니고 그냥 카메라로 이렇게 찍히네요; 근데 진짜로 좋아진 게 눈에 보여요.. 모공관리 키트라 그런가 모공 피지가 눈에 띄게 줄었고, 모공 크기도 확실히 줄어든 것 같더라고요. 이런 걸 결이 좋아졌다고 하죠? 맞나요? 그래서 그런가 피부가 광이나니 환해 보이고; 엄청 좋아지셨더라고요.. 일찍 알았다면 진작 챙겨드렸을 제품이예요...

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  • File attachmentFriend recommendation

    Visit an acquaintance's house and use it. Treatment at dermatologist and alternating between regenerative cream and reperidum. Check the use of both products. I like products that feel very oily after putting on dry skin. It's a new feeling of use. It's a little sticky, but the amount of tissue that sticks for a while and falls off. The thin film prevents moisture from escaping and moisturizes the skin well. I can't explain it.

    지인집에 방문했다가 사용. 피부과에서 시술하고 재생크림이랑 리페리덤이랑 번갈아 사용중. 두제품 사용감 확인. 매우건성  바르고난 다음에 오일감 느껴지는 제품 좋아함. 첨 접해보는 사용감임. 살짝 찹찹거리는 끈적임이 있지만, 휴지가 잠시 붙었다가 떨어지는 정도. 얇은막이 수분을 날아가지 않도록 하고, 속보습 제대로 해주는 느낌의 제형. 설명을 못하겠네

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  • File attachment4step good

    I bought it after hearing rumors. It hasn't been long since I got treatment, so I've been applying regenerative cream every evening, so I applied it first instead of No.4 line. (So I applied it again because I didn't have enough staff No.4) It was really good. Compared to the previous one;; Ah, don't you have a large one? I found my skin stability and used it from number 1 to number 2, but it hurt twice.; Step 4 was so effective that I put up with it every evening. Honestly, I don't want it like a dermatologist, but if I can take care of it this much, I don't think I need to go to a dermatologist. Do I have a small face? It's a week's usage, but about 2 weeks per box? I used it. My skin is soft and I'm very satisfied; I especially love MGF cream. Make it a real big one.

    소문듣고 구매하여 사용하였습니다 구매했을때 시술받은지 얼마 안되서 재생크림 꾸준히 저녁마다 발라주고 있어서 4번 재생라인을, 대신해서 먼저 발랐습니다. (그래서 4번스탭은 부족해서 원래 쓰던걸 다시 발랐네요) 너무 좋더라구요 기존에 쓰던것보다;; 아 대용량 없나요? 피부 안정찾고 1번부터 쭉 사용했는데 2번 아프더라고요.; 4번 스탭만으로도 효과가 너무 좋아서 믿고 저녁마다 참아가며 발랐습니다. 솔직히 피부과처럼 원할 수 없지만 이정도로 꾸준히 관리만 된다면 피부과 안가도 될 것 같네요. 제가 얼굴이 작은건지? 일주일 사용량인데 한박스를 약 2주정도? 사용했습니다. 피부가 보들해지고 너무 만족스럽고,; 특히 MGF크림이 너무 좋아요. 진짜 대용량으로 만들어주세요..

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  • File attachmentI've been using it consistently after seeing the effects.

    I got it as a gift from an acquaintance and bought it myself and have been using it for 4 boxes. Use a generous box for about two weeks. From the 3rd week, we use it every 2-3 days.

    I went to the dermatologist. It's really nice to see the effect of taking care of yourself comfortably at home while you're busy.

    지인에게 선물받아 직접구매해서 4박스째 사용중에 있습니다. 한 2주동안은 한박스씩 넉넉히 사용하다. 3주차부터는 2-3일에 한번씩 사용중입니다.

    피부과 다녀봤고요.. 바쁜와중에 고통없이 집에서 편안하게 관리하는데 효과까지 눈에 보이니 정말좋네요..

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  • File attachmentI've been staring.

    I'm in my mid-30s and my pores are very wide because I didn't take proper care of them at a young age. When that day approaches, even if you wash your face meticulously, there are a lot of pimples and your skin isn't pretty. Giving skin as I get older? Maybe it's because it's really changed, but it's good to change it to a good cosmetic product, but it's the same. But you still want to have pretty skin. Other clinical trials didn't have a 10% effect, but it was more than 12%. I was just reading the room, so I ordered it and used it for about 3 weeks.

    It's Mother Nature's Day when I use it, so I filmed it in close proximity. I filmed it when Mother Nature approached me. I can't say why my pores have shrunk a lot, but it's effective. Even if you take a close-up shot, your skin texture and pores are clean, and your overall skin is brighter and better. My skin always turns upside down on Mother Nature's Day. I'll have to use it more steadily. Men have bigger pores. I'm going to buy the groom.

    나이는 30대중반쯤이고, 어린나이에는 관리를 제대로 안해서 모공이 많이 넓어져있는 상태입니다. 그날이 다가올때면 진짜 꼼꼼하게 세안해도 피지엄청 많고 피부가 이쁘지 않네요. 나이가 먹어갈 수록 피부주기? 이런게 정말 바껴서 그런가 좋은 화장품으로 바꿔봐도 잠깐 좋다가 똑같더라구요. 그래도 예쁜피부 가지고 싶잖아요. 다른곳은 임상실험해도 효과 10%도 안되던데, 효과가 12% 넘게 나왔더라구요. 눈팅만 하다가 그래서 주문하고 한 3주정도 사용했습니다.

    사용할때쯤이 대자연의 날이여서 근접으로 촬영도 해두고,  지금 다시 대자연이 다가올때쯤 촬영하였는데 왠걸 모공이 엄청나게 줄어들었다는 할 수 없지만 효과가 있더라구요. 근접으로 촬여해도 피부결이라던가 모공도 깨끗해지고, 전체적으로 환해지고 좋아졌네요. 진짜 대자연의 날에는 항상 피부가 뒤집어지는데.. 더 꾸준히 사용해야 겠습니다. 남자가 더 모공이 넓잖아요 신랑도 사주려구요

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  • File attachmentcare

    My friends started taking care of me early, and they said it cost too much to go to the dermatologist. He's having a hard time. After the procedure... Some of them are getting worse.

    But the people who take care of themselves have better skin than the ones who don't. To be honest, however, she always takes care of herself at home.

    I hate being sick. ㅠㅠ How can I do something scary? I can't go to the dermatologist.My skin wasn't bad either. I was just living, and now that I'm in my 30s... Now I realize why he's been managing it consistently. ㅠㅠㅠ

    Maybe because my friends take care of it a lot, they share a lot of products and buy and use what they want, but one of my friends introduced me a product that's just for me. You should try it on.

    Instead, I told them to be careful because staff number 2 might sting. At first, I thought it was something, but when I held it in, I started using it more and more, it didn't hurt.

    I felt my skin getting better. That's why I'm writing this long, and I don't know what to say. It's a good idea to keep your skin on a steady

    친구들은 일찍부터 관리시작했는데, 피부과 가는데 돈이 너무 나간다고.. 힘들어해요.. 시술하고나서.. 안좋아지는 친구도 있구요

    그래도 관리안한 친구들보다 이래나 저래나 관리한 친구들이 피부는 좋아요 솔직히 하지만 어느정도는 다녀도 집에서 홈케어로 관리를 꼭 하더라구요

    아픈거 끔찍히 싫습니다. ㅠㅠ 무서운걸 어떻게해요 ㅠ 피부과는 못가겠고 ...피부도 나쁜편이 아니였어요. 그냥저냥 살았는데 30대에 다가가니.. 왜 꾸준히 관리하는지 이제 실감이 나더라구요 ㅠㅠㅠ

    제친구들은 관리를 많이해서 그런지 이런저런 제품을 많이 알아서 공유하고 각자 땡기는거 알맞게 사서 쓰고는 하는데 한친구가 딱 저를 위한 제품이라고제품 소개시켜 주더라고요 일단한번 써보라고

    대신에 2번스탭이 좀 따가울수도 있으니 조심해서 쓰라고 했는데, 처음에는 뭔가 싶다가 꾹 참고 점점 사용하니 엄청 겁쟁이인데 점점 안아파 지더라구요

    피부도 좋아지는 걸 느꼈어요 그래서 이렇게 긴 글도 쓰고, 말해뭐해 정말 피부는 꾸준히 관리하는게 답이네요

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  • File attachmentBelieving item!

    Looking at my late 20s and 30s, my skin is getting dull, my elasticity isn't going away really slowly, but when I look in the mirror, it's hooky and off. I mean, at times like that, it's really... I'm sure you'll all agree (?) I've been using it for 7 days, but I haven't felt anything special during the period.  But I took pictures every day and recorded them. Looking at the picture, it's definitely different. I was a bit surprised. Whether your pores are really reduced or cleaned, your skin texture is improved and brightened. Of course, you should eat makeup well. But it's important to find and use the right product for you. Dermatra is now a trust item.

    20대후반 30대를 바라보면서 피부가 점점 칙칙해짐을 느끼고, 탄력도 정말 천천히 없어지는게 아니라, 문득 거울보면 훅하고 꺼져있.. 진짜 그럴때면 정말 마음이.. 다들 공감하실꺼라고 생각합니다(?) 7일째 사용중인데, 사용하는 기간동안 별다른거 못느꼈어요.  그런데 매일 사진으로 찍어두면서 기록해놨었어요. 사진으로 보니 확실히 다르네요. 좀 놀랐습니다..... 모공이 진짜 줄어든건지 깨끗하게 청소가 된건지 확실히 모공부각도 줄고, 피부결이 많이 좋아지고 밝아져서 good. 당연히 화장도 잘먹고요, 역시 관리도 잘해야 하지만, 나에게 맞는 제품 잘 찾아서 사용하는 것도 중요한 것 같네요. 더마트라는 이제 믿쓰템입니다

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  • File attachmentRepurchase

    I bought 3 sets. I'm going to give you one, give my mom one, and use two. I like it a lot.

    3세트 구매했습니다. 언니하나주고 엄마하나드리고 저 두개쓰려고요. 너무 좋아요

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